The Surgical Palliative Care Podcast
The Surgical Palliative Care Podcast features interviews with the founders and the leaders of the surgical palliative care community, a diverse group of surgeons, dedicated to providing high quality palliative medicine to all surgical and trauma patients. Tune in to learn the rich history of the surgical palliative care movement as well as to stay up to date on the latest research in the field. Hosted by Dr. Red Hoffman, the Surgical Palliative Care Podcast aims to educate, foster community and provide mentorship to all those interested in making certain that surgical and trauma patients receive the excellent palliative care that they deserve. Subscribe to stay up to date on the latest episodes.
The Surgical Palliative Care Podcast
Andy Baxter: Founder of Cuniff-Dixon Foundation
#028 - Join host Dr. Red Hoffman as she interviews Andy Baxter, the founder of the Cunniff-Dixon Foundation. The Foundation is named in honor of Andy's wife, Carley, who died of breast cancer in 2005, as well as in honor of her physician, Dr. Peter S. Dixon. The mission of the Cunniff-Dixon Foundation is to enrich the Doctor-Patient relationship near the end of life by fostering human development in medicine and supporting and funding projects relating to Palliative Care.
In 2009, along with the American College of Surgeons, the Foundation produced Surgical Palliative Care: A Resident's Guide. For many years, this was the only readily available resource available for surgeons who were interested in learning how to integrate palliative medicine into the care of surgical patients. The Foundation's latest project, Planning Way My, is a free resource created to help guide people through their Advance Care Planning journey.
To learn more about the Cunniff-Dixon Foundation click here.
To read Surgical Palliative Care: A Resident's Guide click here.
To learn more about Planning My Way click here.
To learn more about the recently launched Surgical Palliative Care Society, visit the website at www.spcsociety.org or twitter @spcsociety.
To learn more about the surgical palliative care community, visit twitter @surgpallcare
To learn more about host Red Hoffman, visit her website www.redhoffmanmd.com or twitter @redmdnd.